Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tactical change

One of my duly-imposed upon readers wrote me today to tell me that I am bothering people by sending out emails when I write something new. Funnily enough I do that because that is how I receive most of my notices about the blogs that I follow. Until today, I thought it was standard protocol. As he put it, if he wanted to read my stuff, then he would. I guess that means he doesn't! (That's nothing new. He has an insult or a complaint about everything I do that he is aware of. I guess it could be worse.... I could be married to him! Thank God for small mercies!!!!!!)

That said, first I want to apologize for imposing my blog on all of you. I sent many of you emails because you asked for them, but perhaps I either took you seriously when you were just being polite or perhaps you thought you might want to read my blog, but changed your mind. Or maybe there was another reason that I cannot even imagine at this point.

So, starting here and now, I am not going to email anyone any more. I know that sounds like a bit of an over-reaction but there is no way for me to tell who I am bothering and who I am not bothering, so it is better to err on the side of caution.

The blog has been an experiment from the beginning. I like writing it, but heaven knows I didn't mean to shove it down anyone's throat. I used to write some of the lighter fare in the blog for the Jerusalem Post but many of you know why I don't do that anymore. I guess I needed an outlet for my thoughts and the blog seemed to be as good an outlet as any.

I am curious to see how the non-emailing approach works. It will be the next step in my learning curve.


  1. i still love you kendall ;-)!

  2. Tammy... the wordy one in TOJune 5, 2009 at 11:54 PM

    Meeeeeeeeeee tooooooooooooo!!!

  3. I should have married you two!!!!
