Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I feel so vindicated

Ever since that fateful moment a few years back when then First-Lady Hillary Clinton leaned over and air-kissed Suha Arafat, I haven't been able to think of a decent thing to say about Clinton. Suha had just slammed Israel for killing Arab children, and then as a reward for that outrageous comment she got a little wet one from Hillary. It drove me crazy but many of my American Jewish friends poo-poo'ed me and so did my husband who told me "enough already with that story."

Today, let me just bask in the glory of not being out there all alone. At least one media branch has taken up my cause and I would like to thank them for doing so. It has been lonely out in the wilderness waiting for the moment that I could say: "I TOLD YOU SO." Hillary is no friend of the Jews.

With all due apologies to my favorite Jewish Democrat ex-Congressman, the Democrats are bad for the Jews!


  1. If only things in life were simple enough to fit into your neat little boxes. Good/bad. Right/wrong.

    Fortunately, yesterday's was worse. In saying that the US has no right to pressure Israel you are saying that the US has no right to its own foreign policy. Ironic, wouldn't you say. The US does what it believes right given its needs and world view. Israel is free to do the same. Neither can dictate the response of other sovereign nations.

  2. we live in a world that has taught us to always think in terms of moral relativism. although that may be correct for certain aspects of life, there are still things that are GOOD/BAD and RIGHT/WRONG! keep up the great writing!
