Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I don't know who is scarier

I really don't know what to make of this situation. A Jewish woman meets a man on the street in Jerusalem and some how ends up having consensual sex with him in a nearby building. (That happens all the time. Well, maybe it does, but not to me.) After they are finished and redressed, she finds out that he isn't a Jew as he originally told her but is, in fact, an Arab. She freaks out and has him charged with rape.

But hold on. That's not all. The courts agreed with her that he raped her.

I have several questions, but first and foremost in my mind is: WHAT KIND OF DRUGS ARE THESE PEOPLE TAKING?

In a general sense, I am not the world's biggest fan of Middle Eastern Arabs, but I am not stupid enough to believe that every last Arab is to blame for every problem in the Middle East. Now obviously this guy isn't the nicest guy around but that is not the point. This babe is just as bad. Actually, she is worse because there are enough problems in this part of the world without some slimy slut raising the bar.

What kind of decent person meets a guy on the street and has sex with him "in a nearby building"? Let me answer that. They are called prostitutes. And while I have no problem with them servicing a need in society, by doing what they do, they have denied themselves the right to complain about guys who lie about their identities.

You think this guy was the first guy ever to lie about who he was to get laid? Maybe, if you are only referring to the last five minutes. In my younger years I heard all sorts of stories from creepy guys: they had a Porsche parked around the corner, their father was someone important, they had a yacht in the Toronto harbour, they had just invented the Walkman (well, it was years ago), but I surely didn't run to the nearest building to consumate a relationship with them.

As if there aren't enough problems between Jews and Arabs in this part of the world. How nice of the "ho" to bring this into the political sphere.

And what's with the courts? How can any self-respecting legal professional find the guy guilty -- unless they found the woman equally guilty? According to the court, the "ho" wouldn't have cooperated if the man really wasnt' Jewish.

Oh, so if he was Jewish then it would have been perfectly acceptable to screw a guy you met on the street. Whatever happened to getting to know each other and meeting the other person's friends and family. I find that to be a good way to figure out someone's religious beliefs and personality traits. True, it takes a little longer, but I find it to be a much more reliable method than a quick sizing up outside a building.

Or what about JDate? Faster. More efficient. Less time required before running off for sex.

I'm sure there are lots of options. And right now I am ashamed to be associated with a court system who got caught up in the trees and never saw the forest -- or the building.

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