Sunday, January 18, 2009

Wimps need not apply

As we were walking home from synagogue last Friday night, I noticed that my two younger children, Zeve and Yael, were literally hanging off a young guy who's parents live on my street. He is such a nice guy and he was engaging them in the kind of conversation that had them rolling in laughter. Oh, I should also mention that he is one of those evil Israeli soldiers who the world media continue to write about. He's about 6'4", still kind of pimply faced and he has a proper British accent. In other words, he is totally likeable.

Finally he asks me why he has never babysat for my kids?And that was followed by a chorus from my kids saying: "yeah, when can Tzvi babysit?" Well the answer to that is manifold: Tzvi is 21 and probably has better things to do; his younger sister Dalia is one of my great babysitters so who needs him; and well, it just never came up.

Apparently those reasons were not good enough for my son Zeve, who then added in a pleading voice: "Please Mom, please let Tzvi babysit some time.... he has an M16!"

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